Wednesday 17 April 2013

Teacher Feedback for Poster, Website and Trailer

For my poster the main strengths was that it was overall very good, however, I had to change one
or two small things so that it can make the top band.

Therefore, I had to make sure to mist the image of the victim so that she should blend into the background, particularly at the neck, also I had to shrink the strap line. Finally, we then discussed the ‘deadly past’ to ‘deadly fantasy’ as this would make more sense (fantasy - reality, where past - present/future, which sounds odd).

For my website, I had to change a lot as it wasn't as good as my poster as it was missing some of the conventions necessary for a successful website for example a billing box. Also, I think I will add smoke and adapt the transparency of your images to they are more subtly incorporated, as well as moving the component parts to that the content is less heavily weighted at the top of the webpage.

Furthermore, for my actual trailer the postitive feedback was that it successfully incorporated most of the key components a professional trailer. However, Saba and I now need to work on its pace so creates susupence and raises more questions for the audience. Also, we also need to make sure we have a variety of shot types so we are considering re-shooting at least one scene so that we can use close-ups and extreme close-ups as this will help us get up to the top band of the mark scheme as well as create a good trailer.


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