Friday 26 April 2013

Trailer Progress

Saba and I have completed the main components of our trailer as well as the editing stage, however the problem now is that our storyline is not clear for the audience to understand and the shots do not make sense and does not tell the story clearly. Some questions that were raised was that "Why is the killer after the woman?" "Who is the killer?" and "Who is the victim?" Therefore, Saba and I had to make clear what the story actually is and so we filmed a news article which states "Tragic Lone Surviver of Car Accident Escapes Institution" this shows why the killer is back and shows that the car accident had her family in it and the "Lone Surviver" suggests she faced mental problems as we want the male lead to  be the reason why her family have died and now she has come back to seek revenge on him and his family. This then shows a clear meaning and storyline for the film and also raises questions. However, even though this was nessarcy Saba and I had to change a lot for this to be the storyline such as moving around different shots adding and cutting shots as this will make the trailer be more understandable.

Furthermore, Saba and I recieved feedback for our trailer and the main concern is that it lacked speed and from looking at trailers such as The Woman in Black and The Ring they included speed so that it reached a highpoint where the audience can feel scared and shocked. Also, we are going to change the narrative so that it tells the story more clearly instead of using the film's slogan as it does not tell the audience anything about the characters or the story.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Teacher Feedback for Poster, Website and Trailer

For my poster the main strengths was that it was overall very good, however, I had to change one
or two small things so that it can make the top band.

Therefore, I had to make sure to mist the image of the victim so that she should blend into the background, particularly at the neck, also I had to shrink the strap line. Finally, we then discussed the ‘deadly past’ to ‘deadly fantasy’ as this would make more sense (fantasy - reality, where past - present/future, which sounds odd).

For my website, I had to change a lot as it wasn't as good as my poster as it was missing some of the conventions necessary for a successful website for example a billing box. Also, I think I will add smoke and adapt the transparency of your images to they are more subtly incorporated, as well as moving the component parts to that the content is less heavily weighted at the top of the webpage.

Furthermore, for my actual trailer the postitive feedback was that it successfully incorporated most of the key components a professional trailer. However, Saba and I now need to work on its pace so creates susupence and raises more questions for the audience. Also, we also need to make sure we have a variety of shot types so we are considering re-shooting at least one scene so that we can use close-ups and extreme close-ups as this will help us get up to the top band of the mark scheme as well as create a good trailer.


Monday 25 March 2013

Editing Stage

Last week Saba and I finished our editing and have now log and captured all our footage and we are now on the stage of putting in the narrative for our trailer meaning the subtitles in order for our audience to understand our trailer as well as help the audience raise questions about our trailer. Saba and I found that editing was a challenge as we faced many problems such as our footage being unable to be captured on Final Cut Pro and also we had problems with Final Cut Pro actually opening. However, after this was resolved we found editing useful and now we have started to make the narrative on Motion so that we can finally have a first draft finished so we can then see what we need to polish and work on to make our trailer better.

Monday 11 March 2013

Feedback For 1st Draft of Poster

Looking back at my first draft for my poster I have now recieved feedback from my teacher and class mates who have said that I have to add an image or images so that the poster looks complete and also it helps convey the message of my film and also by adding pictures it shows the audience who are the type of characters that will appear in my film. I have also taken on board that the stars for the reviews need to be smaller and the colours of them are similar to the colours of the actual poster therefore it means I am maintaining the colour scheme of my film's brand image. Therefore, by me listening to feedback it means I can make my poster better and also it can help me see what I am missing and so this can then help me get the best out of my poster.   

Monday 28 January 2013

Editing & Poster Planning

This week Saba and I decided to work on editing our trailer as we know that this will take the longest for us to do. However, we weren't able to this as a result of the required equipment that we needed did not work on the computers that we were working on. Therefore, we then decided to start work on our posters, as we are both doing separate posters for our film we had to discuss what elements of the poster we are going to keep the same. We then thought that we want the fonts and the theme of our poster to have the colours red and black in it as this can highlight the theme of horror as well as the thriller aspect of our movie trailer. After deliberation Saba and I decided that we are going with the name Eye for an Eye and the slogan "His deadly past becomes her cruel reality". This was becuase both these titles will capture the audiences attention as well as making the audience raise questions which is what we what them to do when they watch and see our movie trailer and movie poster.